Had some fun whipping up a Wildsea character for fun to get a feel for that part of the game, in case I ever run it and need to help people.
I'm making a Freeform character here, which means I need to select a Bloodline, Origin, and Post, 8 points split between skills and languages, 4 Aspects total, mixed and matched from my Bloodline, Origin and Post, 4 Resources, 3 Mires, and 3 Drives.
Name: Chatotze (CHA-totez)
Bloodline: Ironbound - Seafaring automata that is soul that has constructed a body out of the wreckage found in the Migrating Wreckyard.
Origin: Rootless - Fully embraced the nomadic lifestyle as I try to relocate the Wreckyard.
Post: Steep - A brewer who makes hot teas to achieve enlightenment, understand mysteries, and soothe worries.
Drives: Honor my past life at the Migrating Wreckyard. Cultivate and brew a Shinebloom. Brew a drink for Foxloft elder.
Mire: Existing outside time. Plant life is drawn to me. A drink can replace violence.
OK, so that's the framework we're working from. We have a person who has constructed a body from ship's wreckage in the just-now-created Migrating Wreckyard, losing a part of himself in the process and ended up adrift in the Wildsea. He's spent time trying to return there, learning how to turn a soothing beverage into a way to find deeper secrets of the world.
From the Drives and Mires, we can see what drives this character, and how things will go wrong if I start to get rattled. Mires are 2 numbered Tracks that are negative influences on you. As you mark them, they become more pronounced. If you have marked both parts of a track, let's say, Plants are Drawn to me, that could mean that the Wildsea branches might try to grow over the side of the boat I'm on, or vines could try to pick me up. Knowing that, the other two can really alter a scene that Chatotze is in.
Edges (The main ways I deal with things) - Grace, Instinct, Tides.
Skills and Languages - Low Sour (Starting language, free 3 point Max), Brasstongue (1 rank, clipped, short language of traders), Concoct (2), Cook (1), Harvest (1), Sense (1), Study (1), Tend (1).
Aspects - Springfox (Companion from Rootless, 3 track, a small vulpine that can move along the Tangle), Steeping Reality (Steep, 3 Track: Learn the past of an object), Not a Drop Wasted (Steep, 4 Track, allows someone else to take a penalty for me, and potentially change words in Whispers), Fruiting Limb (Ironbound, 3 Track, Use a task to create a Keel-Fruit).
Resources - Migrating Wreckyard (Whisper), Spiral Topaz (Salvage), Wood Etched Map (Chart), Pinhound Quills (Salvage)
So I've heard a rumor of the Wreckyard, it could be something about where it currently is, or a secret about it. The Aspects seemed really fun, like having a little fox friend, and everything is just feels right for the character. I think once I saw the possibilities for my Origin, Bloodline, and Post, things started to fall into place.
This character feels really interesting to me. In combat situations, I'll be more useful as a supporting character. The Mires are fascinating to me, because a character who over-does diplomacy in a situation where violence may be necessary could end up getting themselves or their crewmembers hurt. Existing out of time, as someone who has been potentially "dead" for who knows how long might have a feeling of isolation from the modern world. I could probably touch up or change one of the Drives, but right now, I feel good.