I got myself into a bit of a scrape. Nothing serious, just with my tabletop group.
I don't mind running games. I've run a couple games recently, and there's been no real issue. The issue though this time: I didn't pick the game I'm running.
This game came about when I was talking about Beacon, the Final Fantasy 14 x LANCER game. Out of the blue they asked "Hey it sounds like you want to run something. How about you run PF2e for us"
I had no Pathfinder 2e books at the time. I have never read anything about Pathfinder 2e at the time, except about the 3 action combat stuff through through the grapevine. I have complained about Pathfinder 1e to this group before in the past.
I even had a Wildsea game prepped that I pitched to the group a month prior!
So now I'm running PF2e and it's such a slog to prep so far.
I miss Wildsea's ability to go "Ok here's the threats, they do this this and this, and I guess it's a 6 step hazard. OK next thing."
Now I'm here having to find Hazards with Numbers on them, and Creatures and NPCs with stats and shit and maaan. This does not Spark Joy. I have something overarching planned. I want to have a Necromancer who works with clockwork undead trying to turn the land into a world of metal and glass, with Mirrodin being my graphical touchstone, but just getting from A to B to C feels like it's going to be a pain.
Maybe if I get a few months out of this I can recharge by running (or maybe playing) something else.
Who knows, maybe I'll run Fabula Ultima for a new group.